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Change is inevitable but growth is optional. Organisations go through different phases throughout their existence. Each phase has well defined characteristics and are consequences of the challenges that the organisations face through their lifetime. More specifically, the phases are easily identified when one analyses the cognitive capacities of executives, the structure of the organisation and the contexts in which they operate.


Programme Introduction
It is a fundamental truth that every organisation, like a living organism, has a natural lifecycle, and that it goes through predictable patterns of behaviour as it grows and developes. At each new phase of development the organisation faces a unique set of challenges. How well or poorly management addresses these challenges and leads a healthy transition from one phase to the next, has a significant impact on the success or failure of that organisation. DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. In an organisation these building blocks are made of four parts Production, Administration, Entrepreneurship and Integration. By altering the organisational DNA code, leadership is able to achieve and maintain an optimum phase in the organisations life cycle. Our expertise lie within the constant change and management of the organisations DNA to optimise growth and maintain a healthy and sustainable organisation.


On completion of the programme
The target phase of an organisation is Prime. Organisations in Prime: Are focused, energised and predictable; structures work well; infrastructure provide reliable support; governance is institutionalised; inter and intra organisational integration; enjoys consistent and above average growth in sales and profits.


What we do for our clients
We work with clients in two ways; 1) we teach them the principles and practices of reSHIFT, and 2) we work side by side and guide them to transform the management of their organisation through reSHIFT. We guide CEOs and their leadership teams to navigate lifecycle challenges and reach PRIME, the only phase where a company is able to enjoy market leading growth and profitability. We are particularly adept helping companies make lifecycle transitions.


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