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One of the most important constituents of our success is great people. We are dedicated to attracting and retaining extraordinary contributors. A variety of initiatives and programs offer our associates the opportunity to grow and develop their careers, be rewarded and recognized for their efforts.

At Shift we employ newly qualified professionals in our Shared Service Centre to gain much needed experience and enter into the respective fields of expertise. Our objective is to employ qualified youth by creating opportunities to regain self worth and providing a platform to excel in a strained economy.



Unsurpassed talent is the backbone of our success. We harness the expertise and experience of our associates to deliver superior service to our clients. We are constantly seeking new talent to compliment our team and to achieve our goals as a service provider. Our associates are required to conduct themselves as set out in our professional agreements. Associates have the opportunity to share in the success of Shift by delivering on expectations and creating wealth for the organisations.



Our business is our passion and we are constantly seeking likeminded individuals or service providers to strengthen our value proposition. Our service providers are expected to trade ethically and engage our clients and service providers as set out in our service level agreements.

We pride ourselves in creating opportunities for talented individuals and entities and to share in our success. The diversity which service providers create increases the strength of our deliverables and offer a more focused and expert driven delivery system.